Thursday, May 14, 2009

Insoles for Back pain: Real or BS?

Back pain is a major health problem in our society. There is no real answer how to best treat it. Millions of people are disabled from back pain and cost to the health care system is in billions of dollars each year. Everyday, a new theory comes up and along with it- a new treatment. There is a strong belief among certain people in the health profession that back pain may be related to posture and anatomy of feet. Podiatrists, physical therapist, orthopedists, and a whole bunch of other health professionals have now gotten into the business of feet, shoes, and insoles.

These health pros first started to correct feet to cure back pain and the result was an abysmal failure. This was followed by custom designed shoes- most custom designed shoes cost as much as a month’s rent and the public realized that perhaps this was a scam and so now these pros have started to sell insoles.

There are insoles of every type, color style, designs, and shape. Some are standard and others are custom designed. One would think that a piece of plastic or rubber that fits into a shoe would costs a few bucks- Wrong; podiatrists and all their colleagues have now learnt the art of ripping people off. Insoles can cost as much as a month’s grocery- Shocking but true. Millions of insoles are sold each year. Most people have an insole for every pair of shoe. There appears to be insole mania in society.

What is so great about insoles you ask? Well these health pros claim that insoles can align the foot, ease pressure on the back, and absorb shock when feet strike the ground- sure sounds great so far.

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