Saturday, May 14, 2011

I was recently referred to a chiropractor who suggested that I undergo spinal manipulation to get rid of my low back pain? Do these therapies work?

Low back pain is a big money maker and thus, many health care professionals have opened up back and pain clinics all over the country. Now the chiropractors have come up with their own treatments because they can’t not prescribe medications. Chiropractors offer spinal manipulations for treat almost every medical disorder under the sun. Cochrane reviews has looked at many of these therapies and found that spinal manipulations is no better than physical therapy, medication or exercise. Moreover, chiropractic spinal manipulations have to be undertaken for many weeks and each session can cost anywhere from $75-$200. Best advice- start your own exercise program, swim, walk, lose weight and stop smoking. This is still the cheapest, safest and most effective way to treat back pain- no gimmicks and no scams.

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