Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cold laser therapy: Scam or Sham treatment for Pain?

What is cold laser therapy?

Lasers generate energy waves that are converted into heat. Now the orthopedic surgeons, therapists, and other health care professionals have become like cosmetic surgeons- making up new names for the same laser. Every week the cosmetologists release a new laser which is hyped up to be the best ever. The same trend is being followed by others in medicine. This fact alone should tell you that cold laser therapy is junk. Nevertheless, read on to find out more.

What exactly is cold laser therapy?

Cold laser therapy is a novel therapy to help people with musculoskeletal injuries recover faster. This means that there are a lot of desperate people with back pain who will be scammed of their hard-earned money. The providers of this therapy claim that cold laser utilizes advanced technology and allows the body to heal faster. The treatments are claimed to be fast, painless and effective- so what else is new?

What does cold laser therapy do?

Well, in reality it does nothing. The providers claim it is like acupuncture or acupressure. The laser has healing power and is supernatural; such BS is common in the ads. The cold laser generates rays of light, which penetrate your skin and then the heat, stimulates your body’s own tissues to heal (what a load of rubbish!). Lasers have been used in medicine for more than 30 years and how come not a single disease, symptom or illness has ever been cured?

Is there any research to show that cold laser can heal?

All the data on cold laser therapy are reports by the providers who sell this therapy. All this healing stuff is an illusion in the minds of the providers. Testimonials from patients claim that this cold laser is rubbish or s..t.

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