Friday, April 24, 2009

lasers for back pain- real or bull? part 3

Are there any studies to document laser as a healing treatment?

Absolutely not, there are no randomized double blind clinical studies which show that lasers can heal anything. In fact, the available clinical studies reveal that laser is not effective. The reports that doctors have are anecdotal case reports- which have the same level of importance as your grandma’s green tea oil remedies.

What about patient testimonials?

All doctors and vendors claim that laser is very effective. Patients who have undergone laser treatments say exactly the opposite. Bull shit and crap are common terminology. Others add that the laser is painful and very expensive.

Can laser speed up recovery?

No, laser does jack s..t. All this talk about recovery and breaking up scar tissue, strengthening muscle is hogwash. There is zero evidence that laser can do anything in terms of repairing joints.

How does laser inhibit pain?

The doctors claims that it works like morphine. Just another bull crap story. There is zero evidence that lasers work like morphine. In fact, laser causes pain.

Is treatment covered by insurance?

No, laser for back pain is considered pseudo science and Medicare does not cover junk therapy. No private medical insurance pays for this treatment.

What is cost of laser for back pain?

Just to see the doctor or health professional is about $50-$100. Each treatment, which is less than 10 minutes, can cost $50-$200 per session

Who does laser for back pain?

Every Tom, Dick, Harry, Sally, Physical therapist, naturopath, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, doctors, or anyone who has a degree in anything is now using laser to cure back pain (perhaps President Obama should hire these laser maniacs to help solve the financial woes in the country)

What about good clinical studies on laser?

The best evaluation of laser for back pain shows that low-level laser therapy for back pain does not work. At the moment there is no evidence that laser does anything.

Final point

Please consumers, do not fall for everything that comes out of the mouth of health care professionals. Medical professional offer a lot of false promises that bear no resemblance to reality. So read about the procedure, ask questions, get a second opinion and save your hard-earned money on what works. Unfortunately, laser for back pain is like throwing money down the toilet. Avoid it.

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