Friday, April 24, 2009

lasers for back pain- real or bull? part 2

Does laser therapy have side effects?

Yes, when you play with heat, you can expect some side effects. Most people complain of pain. If it is real laser, then one feels a sharp sting. If it is a fake laser, then there are no side effects. The pain is transient but not something you will forget quickly. Redness and swelling also occur but disappear with in a few hours/days.

Does laser have complications?

Sure, the biggest complication is that lasers do not work. If the doctor is careless, the laser can even burn, cause scarring and induce skin discoloration. These complications are often permanent.

How many laser sessions are required to reduce back pain?

Just like the plastic surgeons, back pain physicians are not able to cure any disorder in a single session. One needs anywhere from 8-20 sessions. In addition, if you dress rich you can rest assured, you will be on the higher end of sessions.

How is the procedure done?

All laser procedures are performed as an outpatient. You go to the office, pay cash and lie down on a comfortable bed. The laser is held closed to your skin and activated. The laser generates a beam of light that enters skin and generates heat. This heat somehow does magic and cures the back pain (at least this is what the doctors want you to believe). How this heat can cure pain is unexplained. Some doctors give a nonsensical explanation of blood vessel opening, nutrition and so on (more garbage). If heat could cure pain, then people living in the Sahara and Gobi desert would never have pain!

How long is each session?

Not more than 5-10 minutes. However, the chitchat and usual sucking up talk with patients can take another 20 minutes (since you are paying cash, you will be treated nicely)

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